Muse API

Unofficial API that you can use for free for your project


Muse API is an unofficial API that provides information about referenced anime from Muse Indonesia's youtube account. Sometimes you will find broken links because Muse Indonesia itself often re-uploads their videos. So if you find any broken links please contact us.

Official Youtube Muse Indonesia


API Path

The main path of the entire API, you can try to use the main path to make sure the API runs properly.
  1. All Anime
  2. Anime by Id
  3. Anime Episode
  4. Genre
  1. Anime by Genre
  2. Season
  3. Anime by Season
  4. Search

All Anime

Displays the entire anime data sorted in Ascending (A to Z). Response data is paginated so you need the /:page parameter to be a number page (starting at 1).


Anime by Id

Displays the details of the anime and requires a parameter in the form of an /:id which you can find in the form of q_kode.


Anime Episode

Displays certain episodes of anime and requires a parameter in the form of an /:id which you can find in the form of q_kode and /:episode parameters in the form of numbers (starting at 1).



Displays the available genres.


Anime by Genre

Displays anime based on the appropriate genres. requires a parameter of /:genreName . to remove space, - or other attributes and make the parameter lowercase, you can do {text}.replace(/\s+/g, '').toLowerCase(); . Example :

Sci-fi to scifi



Displays the available seasons.


Anime by Season

Displays anime based on the appropriate seasons. requires a parameter of /:seasonName . to remove space, - or other attributes and make the parameter lowercase, you can do {text}.replace(/\s+/g, '').toLowerCase(); . Example :

Summer 2020 to summer2020



Displays anime by relevant title. can make it easier for you to create a search feature on your project. requires the /:title parameter to be a string with at least one letter.
